FFEB - who are we?
The FFEB (French Federation of Building Experts) is an association of Building Experts, where each member has been certified as a Building Expert by a CERTIBAT-approved training organization (OF-2014-02-10) and has ten to twenty years of practical experience in the building industry, at technical and/or managerial positions.
Our structured organization allow us to collect and value the experiences acquired among our network members, to allow our members to make them available to their respective clients.

Our association of building experts guarantees:
- Independence and freedom of analysis for your own benefit.
- It is imperative that the Experts come from the construction industry,
- They have at least 10 years of experience in the field.
- They have followed recognized training.
The objective, to avoid the Expert in Expertise for the benefit of the Knowing-Professional and Expert.
We are committed to sharing skills between members, providing a library of experience, documentation and methodology enhanced and valued by all.
Among our members, we find specialized specialists for the following techniques:
- Timber frames (companion of the Tour de France)
- Steel carpenters
- Concrete structure
- Design office
- Plumbing, bathroom
- CMIste
- Waterproofing, facelift
- Locksmith Metalwork
- Big work