Building expertises

with private individuals

Building expertise & technical diagnostics

Expertise Fondation Fissure

The expertise of your foundation may be necessary to help you understand why cracks or deformations appear over time on the structure of your building.

Diagnostic & Expertise Thermique


Energy performance will be the focus of the next decade and will affect the price of your buildings. This involves a thermal diagnosis that will identify the first energy failures of the habitat.

Expertise humidité étanchéité

The analysis of moisture pathologies can be simple, of the type "leaking network", "implementation of the non-compliant waterproofing complex", capillary lift, or more complex in terms of combination …

Diagnostic électricité

Compliance with standards

The expert will analyze your network in light of the NF 15-100 standard, available on the internet and will complete its analysis with the DTU and more particularly with the specificities related to the PMR.

Expertise toiture | couverture | charpente

Frame - Cover

We are addressing here the legal concept of the purpose of the property. You must take advantage of the « cover ». Weather protection is ensured by the cover, roof, watertight terrace etc.

Expertise Plomberie

Technical analysis
of the network

The expert in charge of a network analysis must ensure that its sizing is correct, that it does not affect the structures of the building, and that the flow rate and temperature are correct…

Assistance & defense of your rights

Assistance à réception & livraison VEFA | CCMI

On acceptance and delivery of the building

We bring our skills to formulate the points subject to reservations or discrepancies, to explain the technical aspects to you, to provide you with useful documentation and administrative support.

Expert d'assuré Bâtiment

Counter-expertise against your insurance

Looking for an insurance expert? The FFEB gathers independent building experts who can assist you and carry out counter-expertise against your insurance.

Technical & legal aid

The course of the natural disaster file will be complex for the policy-holders. Nevertheless, a policy-holder expert can accompany you and assist you.

Audit & Accompaniment of your project

Expertise & Audit avant travaux

Expertise & audit before field work

We offer you an analysis and technical solutions as well as the related costing from the companies our clients have selected for their real estate project.

Accompagnement pendant travaux bâtiment

Support during field work

We provide our advice during the execution of the work in order to bring you our skills in accordance with the standards (DTU) and the acknowledged rules of the art.

Defect and disorder during field work

We will be able to determine the defects during field work, to guard against implementation that could affect the sustainability of your works

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FFEB | Who are we?


The FFEB (French Federation of Building Experts) is an association of Building Experts, where each member has been certified as a Building Expert by a CERTIBAT-approved training organization (OF-2014-02-10) and has ten to twenty years of practical experience in the building industry, at technical and/or managerial positions. Our structured organization allow us to collect and value the experiences acquired among our network members, to allow our members to make them available to their respective clients.