Electricity Expertise

Compliance with standards

Expertise électricité

Have you a doubt about the installation of your home? ave just acquired an old house and you wish to make an assessment of its electricity network?

A building technical expert can carry out an electricity expertise to ensure that your electricity network complies with the French standards in force.

Electricity is a well-codified activity surely because of our history of national concessionnaire, EDF.

The expert will analyze your network in reference with NF 15-100 standard, available on Internet (https://go.schneider-electric.com/FR_2020_HOME_GC_Guide-NFC-15100_LP.html), and will complete its analysis with the DTU (Unified Technical Documents) in relation and more particularly with the specificities related to the PMR.

This standard considers your safety very seriously.


The FFEB is an organization of Building Experts where each member has been certified as an expert by a CERTIBAT-approved training organization. Their seniority and their professionalism allow you, within a structured framework, to have a shared return of experiments. Training organization

The FFEB guarantees opinions of recognized experts and lawyers from the building industry.

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FFEB | Who are we?


The FFEB (French Federation of Building Experts) is an association of Building Experts, where each member has been certified as a Building Expert by a CERTIBAT-approved training organization (OF-2014-02-10) and has ten to twenty years of practical experience in the building industry, at technical and/or managerial positions. Our structured organization allow us to collect and value the experiences acquired among our network members, to allow our members to make them available to their respective clients.