Expert of policy-holder
Counter-expertise against your insurance
For the expert of policy-holder, this is not just an expert analysis.
The counter-expertise is organized by the particular rules of your insurance contract.
The consequence of these rules is that theoretically the initiative belongs to the insurances.
The expert of the policy-holder beyond his technical skills will need to demonstrate strategy to approach or even initiate the expertise so that your demands are heard.

He will therefore have to master several aspects, among which:
- The technical vocabulary with its underlying aspects.
- The legal and procedural consequences of actions and communications undertaken,
- The history of construction in France to defend the validity of a technical reality which may appear as non-compliant.
Be aware that the challenge of the decisions of insurances is technical, then legal, it aims at bringing, demonstrating and transmitting an analysis understandable and readable by all, including the courts of jurisdiction if that becomes necessary.

Expertises & Diagnostics
Assistance & Défense de vos droits

La FFEB est une organisation d’Experts en Bâtiment dont les membres ont obtenu une qualification certifiée CERTIBAT. Leur ancienneté et leur professionnalisme vous permettent, dans un cadre structuré, d’avoir un retour partagé d’expériences.